Well, according to Etta James, she was disappointed that Obama chose Beyonce to sing her signature song "At Last" which was performed at one of the Inaugural Balls during the Presidential Couple Dance. What exactly infuriated Etta? Maybe bitterness that they didn't choose her to sing it, but chose Beyonce instead, although it was her song to begin with? Well these were Etta's exact words:
"She gonna get her ass whipped! The great Beyonce! I can’t stand Beyonce. She has no business up there singin’, singin’ up there on ah big ole’ — ah big ole President day gon’ be singin’ my song that I been singin’ forever!”
On top of this, she also disowned President Obama as her President, referring to him as the "one with the big ears". OUCH! Like Etta, seriously!? You never said a word about the film Cadillac Records, when it was an exact depictment of you, but when its out of the box office, you wanna act all High & Mighty? It's not like Beyonce coulda sang one of her own songs. I would be hysteric watching them rock out to "Single Ladies" or "Diva" perhaps. Lol. Take a chill pill woman!